3-Day, 3-Hour Intensive Workshops at the ODPC Funfest

How It Works

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A different approach to intensive workshops this year. Three hour sessions in either the morning or the afternoon on site at the Osceola Fairgrounds in Evart. A more beginner workshop will focus on both fundamentals of playing such as strumming, fingering and basic chording, but also practical matters like tuning, reading tab and even how to practice. Plus a lot of fun and wacky approaches to the instrument as well.

The afternoon classes will be geared towards intermediate (and up) players and will focus on advanced fingering and chording, complicated and interesting rhythms, expressiveness, improvisation and creating your own arrangements, music theory (just a little) plus cool ways to mess up a tune and make weird sounds on the instrument.

MAKE NO MISTAKE!!! The fact that these are half-day sessions does not meant that you'll learn less than you would a at full-day, three-day workshop. The idea is to load you up with info so that you have half of the day to digest and experiment with the concepts and ideas. Each day will start with a Q&A session about the previous day lessons. Each class will be filmed and you will receive that digitally sometime after the Festival.

See you this summer!!!

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